» Profiles, Mouldings, Special Shapes & Sections
- Angles, Angle Irons,
L-Shapes & V-Shapes
Specialty Tubing
Rings, Rims, Clamps, Flanges, Hoops & Bezels
- Holders, Mountings, Edgings, Trim, & Retainers
- Railings & Brackets
- Z-Bars, Purlins
Frames & Framing, Diffusers, Grills & Baffels
- Panels, Fins & Plates
Tracks, Ducts, Rails & Slides
- Stainless Steel Track Caps & Covers
- Caps, Covers, Cladding & Flashings
- Hinging: Louvers, Blades, Slats, Panels, & Beads
- Slats, Strips, Gaskets, Battens & Curved Tape
Bars & Sections: T, H, W & Double Channels
Wire Products: Strips, Straps & Rings
Other Products
- These Profiles Can Be Made Into:
- Shelf Support Tubing
- Barricade Legs and Supports
- Type 1 Barricade Legs and Parts
- Type 2 Barricade Legs and Parts
- Type 3 Barricade Stands
- Shade Rollers
- Hem Bar, Bottom Bar & Hem-Line Channels
- Price Card Mouldings
- Towel Bars
- Curtain Rods
- Shower Rods
- Closet Rods, & Wardrobe Bars
- Drawer Slides
- Drip Edges, Caps & Flashing
- Fence Rails, Posts, Pickets & Stiffeners
- Din Rails, Bus Bars Wireways, Cable Trays, & Bus Ducts
- Heat Transfer Plates
- Scuff Plates, Roof Bows, & Hat Posts
- PVC Rail, Frame, Tubing & Pipe Stiffeners and Reinforcements
- Sink Mouldings, Grip Rims, & Prong Strips
- Security Storm Door Frames
- Stampings
- R.V. & Car Luggage Rack Tubing
- Mirror Frames
- Reflector Panels
- Snap-On Mouldings
- Storm Window & Screen Frames
- Handles
- Siding Trim
- Roll Up Slats
- Wall Studs & Partition Framing
- Sink Legs
- Industries Served
Resources & Links
- See Online Catalog
- Gwenco Mfg
- Oak Rite Mfg. Corp.

Oak Rite Mfg. Corp.
Oak Rite Mfg. Corp. was a top producer of Roll Formed parts since 1962. They unfortunately ceased operations last year and an auction was held for all tooling, equipment, inventory of all remaining assets. It was not sold as a complete business to any company. They no longer exist. Johnson Bros was able to procure most of the tooling and Roll Forming machines, along with fabricating and other equipment and supplies, in that auction. Before the auction, Oak Rite had sent some of their roll forming dies used for active customers back to those customers. Johnson Bros. has received contacts from many of Oak Rite`s customers who have since sent that tooling also to Johnson Bros. Oak Rite and Johnson Bros. neither have nor had any agreements on any subject.
Johnson Bros. is now producing roll formed parts for many of Oak Rite`s customers with more coming on board all the time. We are very grateful for the opportunity to serve these customers and would like to encourage any companies seeking Oak Rite to contact Johnson Bros for their needs to get timely, high quality, dependable service from Johnson Bros.. Johnson Bros was already a leader in manufacturing roll formed metal rings and clamps and the additions of these types of former Oak Rite parts is and has been a perfect fit. Oak Rite`s Roll Forming machines had the same specifications on shaft size, etc., so using the tooling took nothing additional to produce parts even on the Johnson Bros. machines.
Any customer formerly buying from Oak Rite should mention that when they contact us as the tooling may very likely be at Johnson Bros. if it never was sent to them. The tooling Johnson bros received has no customer names or part numbers and no prints or any type of information, correspondence or paperwork was ever received by Johnson Bros. so all information you can give would be helpful when your contact with us is made.
Again, many thanks for considering Johnson Bros. and we look forward to serving you in the days ahead.